My Story

Hello and Welcome... I am Elizabeth Elenor and this is my story this time round...

Stepping into the sacred connection with the unseen Higher Self is a continuous journey for all of us.


The veils between worlds thinned quickly for me in an unexpected encounter that set my life on a new path... 


Spirit brushed my cheek... my Father coming through in an intuitive read.   Unfamiliar with the Unseen world, this took me down a mystical rabbit hole of chance and illuminations as Higher Consciousness guided me to become more and more of my true essence... 


Over 25 years later, guided by that very same vibrational force, I now work with thousands of women showing them the path of listening, trusting and surrendering to the part of themselves that has more knowing than the limited Being here on the planet trying to figure out the world of separation and brokeness.


How does the mystical unseen world merge with the day to day tasks in 'normal' life?

 Life-changing, time collapsing miracles that start off extraordinary and end up just being part of life. 


Tangible results living as a Magical, intuitive woman... Synchronicities that are beyond just the ordinary triple numbers that amuse the seeker.  Energetic threads that guide me to walk the path of the Priestess.  


Breezing through life-threatening health challenges, multiple 6 figure company, relationships of bliss and happiness including attracting the love of my life in a fairytale encounter... The list goes on far beyond what is valuable to share here.  


Knowing you are on a path is just the beginning...

The next step is to unplug from the illusion that you are limited and broken... and step into the magical world of a Wonderland that is beyond your wildest dreams...


Surrender so the whispers of the unseen become clear.

In this world but not of it... unplugging from the brokeness that the world wants you to believe.  Stepping into the Energy of a Creative Being conjuring up your own reality and becoming the predominant creative force in your life.

Inside every one of us, is an empowered woman ready to shine her light on the world; to navigate her reality according to her own terms and dance life like no one is watching. 

Inside each one of us is the rhythm of the Earth... waiting for us to connect with our Divine Soul and sprinkle magic throughout the land. 

This is my mission... to remind YOU who you already are.