Helping purpose-driven women to focus on their own vision of conscious relationships without being misguided by other's influence by having a strong conviction of their own truth
Helping purpose-driven women to focus on their own vision of conscious relationships without being misguided by other's influence by having a strong conviction of their own truth

Whose dream do you really belong to?

Imagine waking up one morning and realizing that the world you thought you knew was just a reflection of someone else's desires.

What if you could break free from the constraints of societal expectations, the pressures of loved ones, and the limiting beliefs that have held you back?

Imagine a world where you're the main character of your own story, creating your own path, and living a life aligned with your deepest desires.


That's the power of stepping through the looking glass.

Just like Alice, you have the potential to unlock a world of endless possibilities. 

To do so, you must let go of the dreams and desires that others have imposed upon you.


You get to belong to your own dream...
To pursue a life that feels aligned with your Higher Self, not just with the hopes and dreams of those around you.  

And in this month's mixer, we'll be showing you how. 

The signs were all adding up...

This had to be love, right?

Somehow he texted me right after a vivid dream had woken me up.

A chance encounter with a guy I’d had a crush on years ago, led to this energetic weaving that was pulling on my heartstrings big time.

For months prior saw motorbikes everywhere…

Illuminating in the peripheral of my mind until the message dropped… the man that I’ll meet would own a motorbike. 

 Only to find out that he was buying a motorbike as I reconnected with him.   

A sign - tick! 

Deep conversations about the universe led to expanded high-frequency connections so profound that I could hardly stay grounded.

Buzzing so intensely my body was almost numb with each conversation.

 Took that as another sign. 

Several dreams that he would physically respond to. 

Sign - tick! 

With all these magical experiences happening in the ethers, I thought this must be it. The divine love I'd been waiting for. 

But the reality was, I was getting breadcrumbs in real life.

Realized I had longed for a love that mirrored the fairy tales I read as a child. 

So, I was chasing a man who seemed like the perfect Prince Charming,
only to find myself lost in a hedge maze of confusion and heartache.

Weeks without any sort of contact...

Most of the time reaching out and running to his side to have another moment in his energy.

Became obsessed, heart aching, and confused with the signs that were being presented by my Higher Self.

Why is this so hard?

What does this all mean?

And the big scary question…
Why doesn’t he want me?


Took some time to realise what was going on.

Whose dream did I truly belong to?

Deciphering the signs that intuitive guidance is presenting is part of being an empowered woman.   

Got to the point where I realized I wanted more, and he was not going to give it to me.

Learned the lessons being presented.

Was it hard?

Beyond words. Working out what was really going on took massive amounts of yearning, overwhelm, suffering, and grief.

But once I stepped through that discomfort, created a path to happiness. 

My true happiness was not contingent on someone else's actions or dreams. 

The result was a new sense of self, new self-authority, and of course a deeper understanding of what I wanted in my relationships.

Let go of the dream that others have for you and step into your own dream without confusion or pain. 

 Get complimentary access to "Belong To Your Own Dream"

Discover the transformative power of living authentically and paving your own path.

Whether you are looking to enhance your current relationships or simply want to reconnect with your inner self, this event will inspire you to take bold steps toward your dreams with confidence and purpose.

Let's dream together...

Have you been living in a world that is mundane, the same old routine over and over again like Groundhog Day?

What if there was another life that is just waiting for you to step into it with all the magic and happily ever after you wished for in childhood?

Elizabeth Elenor has been working for years to empower other magical women to follow their own dreams while fostering conscious, meaningful relationships.

After spending so much time trying to fit into the "good girl" role and ensuring those around her were happy, having her children was the wake up call she needed to begin prioritizing her own desires and dreams.

Seeing the profound shifts it created in her life - like scaling her business to six-figures, finding her divine partner while walking on the beach, and creating the life she truly desired - she knew she wanted to help others discover how to align their life with their true passions so they could create fulfilling, authentic connections too.

Join us for a transformative 90-minute event designed to... 

Empower women to follow their own dreams while fostering conscious, meaningful relationships.

This interactive session will provide valuable insights into:

Balancing personal growth with relationship dynamics

How to use practical tools and strategies to help you gain clarity on your desires

Communicating effectively and cultivating deeper self-awareness

RSVP for the "Belong to Your Own Dream" Masterclass and get complimentary access to our exclusive event on Wednesday, October 23rd at 6:30 PM AEDT.