Supporting magical women to create their future vision, without falling back into the default of distractions, by stepping into their personal power

Life has a very mystical way of working out when you line up with your magic...

How was I to know that moving from paradise was actually to find love?  

After 16 years up North… moved back to my hometown to look after my ailing mother.  To tell you the truth, even though I was being intuitively guided, it was with a heavy heart that I left Far North Queensland. Thought that my life was going backwards!  

Turns out I was wrong! 

Guided all the way, ended up in another location, almost identical to my tropical home, on the other end of the country, alone on the beach and met the man that would bring me all the joy and love I’d been searching for. 

Was prepared to do what most people won’t.

Listen to the guidance of Higher Self even when it doesn't suit.

Went through the struggles of healing the mother wounds and building a better relationship with the Goddess within. 

Was totally over emotionally unavailable men and was prepared to live single for the rest of my life! 

Never to go down that path again of settling to appease the wounded warrior within …

Making her feel worthy…

For a minute with another power-hungry man.  

Decided to align with my own unique magic...

Washed that mud off of her so she wasn’t as noisy in my head and opened my field for more Light to come in!! 

And, just like magic always sprinkles miracles in the air…

Went down the beach toward my dream come true movie scene.

It’s all about lining up with your own magic. 

Even when it seems counter-intuitive, you follow and trust.  

Now it's your turn to do what most people won't... 

And step into your magic movie scene.  

 Get complimentary access to the "Rewriting Your Wonderland" Mixer

Break through those self-sabatoge beliefs and patterns to expand your reality and step into your personal power.

Whether you are looking to reconnect with your intuition, discover more breakthrough moments in your life, or manifest more fulfilling relationships, this event will remind you that you are the one in control and you have the power to "rewrite" your reality.

Let's step into our power together...
Elizabeth Elenor has been working for years to empower other magical women to create their future vision, without falling back into the default of distractions, by stepping into their personal power

She wasn't always "spiritual," but after undeniable experiences in her life, she knew that there was more to life than the "logical." 

Seeing the profound shifts it created in her life - like scaling her business to six-figures, finding her divine partner while walking on the beach, and creating the life by her own design - she knew she wanted to help others discover how to align their life with their true desires so they could create a "Wonderland" of their own.

Join us for a transformative 90-minute event designed to... 

Empower women to unapologetically laser focus on their big dreams by recognizing and embracing their personal power. 

This interactive session will provide valuable insights into:

Identifying patterns that are keeping you "stuck" 

How to awaken and recognize the voice of your Higher Self 

Opening the door to endless possibilitiies and more fulfilling relationships

RSVP for the "Rewriting Your Wonderland" Mixer and get complimentary access to our exclusive event on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7:30 PM AEDT.Â